You crossed your bridges and sailed by isles
To the rolling drums in the night
Into the nothingness of the realm storm to her door
And you have battled with other men
Over cattle left untended
In the dry and frozen fields of pasture in the grey lands
Lead on
It’s too late to turn back and find the way home
Cause the roads are overgrown
Lead on
Another border crossed another page turned
In the storyline of those
who travel the undertow
Another mile makes another part
Of the storyline and your heart
Was never really yours to begin with, it was her gift
And in the distance you see the lights
Of the coastline burning with fires
Another landslide shaping your pathway for the next day
Lead on
It’s too late to turn back and find the way home
Cause the roads are overgrown
Lead on
Another border crossed another page turned
In the storyline of those
who travel the undertow
~låttexten The Realm Storm från albumet Chapter One av popbandet The Lilac Swords
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Om bandet The Lilac Swords
The Lilac Swords är ett svenskt popband som smider samman sagans värld med melodiös indiepop. Deras debutalbum Chapter One är en musikalisk vandring genom en outforskad vildmark där uråldriga gudar vandrar över ödsliga vidder och märkliga väsen ruvar i skuggorna. Storslagna gester, fantasyosande estetik och melodistark indiepop väntar äventyraren. The Lilac Swords består av Love Enström på sång, Magnus Eriksson på synthar och elektroniskt maskineri, Niklas Rasmussen på trummor och Olle Söderström på gitarr.